Homophonic Spree


Guess how well Alexa will understand words that sound alike

In Homophonic Spree, you guess how well Alexa will understand what you say. You are given two or more words that sound alike, but are spelled differently. You pick which word Alexa will hear when you say it. You start with ten coins. You lose a coin if you predict incorrectly, and you win one or more coins if you predict correctly.

For instance, it will show you (or on a screenless device it will spell for you):
1. Pail
2. Pale

First you guess whether Alexa will hear either #1 or #2, then you say the word, then you score coins if you predict which of the words Alexa reports hearing, and lose coins if you get it wrong.

h/t Mark Allen and Al Aloisi for list of homophones via https://github.com/TSMMark/homophone/blob/master/lib/assets/homophone_list.csv
h/t bitmidi.com for public domain music samples for bumpers

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