Typical Topical


Interactive challenge: say things that meet targets for topic, behavior and emotion as analyzed by Expert.ai.

Typical Topical is a demonstration game that challenges you to say things that meet a target you are given for topic, behavior type and emotion type. You score based on how closely you meet those targets. The skill uses textual analysis from Expert.ai to detect and determine the topic, the behavior described and the emotion expressed in the statements you make.

You can choose Easy, Medium, or Hard, to be given one, two, or three targets respectively. Say ‘Easy’, ‘Medium’ or Hard’ to select a level.

In each round, you will be dealt one or more of a topic, a behavior to describe, and an emotion to express.
If Expert.ai detects the exact target topic in your statement you get 10 points.
If it detects that you incorporated the exact target behavior, you get 10 points. If you incorporate a behavior from the same general group and intensity of the target behavior, you get 4 points. If you incorporate a behavior from the same general group as the target behavior, you get 2 points.
If it detects that you expressed exact target emotion, you get 10 points. If it detects an emotion from the same emotion group, you get 4 points.

Scoring for any category is halved if you use the exact target word (topic, behavior or emotion).
Please do not be frustrated if the skill does not detect something that you think should be obvious. It happens. Just as in ‘Whose Line is it Anyway’… the points don’t matter.

• If you say ‘Repeat’ after being dealt your targets, you can hear them again. Use this in case you are tongue-tied and need a bit more time to make up your statement.
• Sometimes if your statement is too long, Alexa will treat it as though you said nothing at all, and ask you to say something again. Either say something a little shorter, or say ‘Repeat’ to repeat the targets.
• If you say ‘Repeat’ after you are shown the results, you will get the same targets to try again, but you won’t score. Use this to practice.
• If you say ‘Help’, you will hear more details, and receive a card in your Alexa app that has all this information.
• If you say ‘Goodbye’, you’ll hear your final score before you leave.
The list of behavioral and emotion traits can be found at:
The list of detectable topics can be found at:

This skill was created as a submission to the Devpost Sentiment & Opinion Mining Natural Language API Hackathon

Thanks to Alexander Martin at apl.ninja for help with the card animations.

For notes on the construction of Typical Topical, see Notes on Typical Topical.

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