Ask about something, and find out what it is part of, and what that is part of, and so on.

Wiki Walk is an experimental skill designed to exercise Alexa Conversations against a knowledge graph. Though Alexa Entities was my original candidate, it is currently not compatible with Alexa Conversations, so I chose the WikiData knowledge base and its API.
For this demonstration skill, the entire conversation is managed by the Alexa Conversations model, using two dialog models.
The skill scenario is:
a user asks about a subject. Wiki Walk queries WikiData about the subject, returns a description and asks the user if this is what was expected. If the answer is “No”, Wiki Walk asks what was expected. Based on that answer, Wiki Walk looks at other candidate descriptions for entities to find a best next suggestion.
If the answer to is this what was expected is “Yes”, WikiWalk will start with the subject, and walk back up to six levels in a hierarchy of inclusion, describing the subject’s path through the hierarchy (up to ten levels).
(WikiData includes multiple properties for a given entity, and includes several properties that indicate a hierarchy: “X is a part of Y”, “X is a subset of Y”, etc. Wiki Walk chains them together for you.)
Try: “What is Washington?”
See: for more information about WikiData.
Icon by Gan Khoon Lay : Creative Commons CCBY